The drama group has been part of village life in Ombersley ever since September 1958. Over the years we have put on over 100 productions ranging from pantos to shows to comedies to farces to thrillers.
In order to continue to thrive we are always happy to welcome new members. It is great fun and very rewarding, and gives a lot of pleasure to others as well. If you are over 16 and interested in any aspect of drama whether it be 'treading the boards' or helping backstage, props, scenery, lighting, sound etc, then please come along on any rehearsal evening, where you can have a chat and a coffee with other members. You will receive a very warm welcome.
We meet from the beginning of September to the end of May on Monday evenings at 7.30pm. There are also social events running throughout the year, theatre visits, walks, skittles evenings etc. Membership for acting members is just £20 per year and all the profits from our production go to local charities.