Ombersley Conservation Trust

Tel: 01905 840478 | |

The Ombersley Conservation Trust is the major landowner in the Parish. The charity was established in 1969 ”for the benefit of the inhabitants of the parishes of Ombersley, Uphampton and Doverdale …….. and the areas adjacent thereto”. Its specific aims are:

1. To promote, facilitate, assist and undertake the conservation of land and buildings of beauty or historic, architectural or other interest or importance and in particular buildings of architectural or other interest or importance and lands of aesthetic, ecological or of other scientific interest or importance within the Parishes and the areas adjacent thereto.

2. To protect, preserve and improve the rural and visual character and the amenities of the Parishes and the areas adjacent thereto which are of beauty, historic or architectural or other interest or importance, including 621.54 ha of farmland, 83.2 ha of managed woodland and 33 houses and cottages, 21 of which are Grade II listed or above.

3. To provide, in the interest of social welfare, facilities for recreation or other leisure time occupation for the inhabitants of and visitors to the Parishes and the areas adjacent thereto with the purpose of improving the conditions of life to the said inhabitants and visitors.

4. To protect, preserve and improve for the public benefit the Archives of the Manor of Ombersley and to promote, facilitate and assist in the provision of public access to the Archives. The trustees have a policy of making donations to charitable concerns of benefit to the local community.